Tips from City Committees
Monthly tips from our Animal Welfare Committee & Committee for a Better Environment

Choose Paint Colors to Save Energy
Dark colors absorb light and will make the room warmer. Light colors reflect light and will make the room cooler. The following chart shows the percentage of light reflected by various colors:
- White 80%
- Light Ivory 71%
- Beige 66%
- Ivory 59%
- Peach 53%
- Salmon 53%
- Pale Green 51%
- Medium Gray 43%
- Pale Blue 41%
- Deep Rose 12%
- Dark Green 9%
Warm Weather Pet Safety
As the weather warms up, we need to remember that heat poses a serious threat to animals. Life threatening conditions such as heatstroke and dehydration are as real of an issue for animals as people. Here are three of the ways that you can protect your furry family member:
- Never leave your pet (or child) in the car by themselves. On a 75 degree day, the temperature inside a car can reach dangerous temperatures within only 5 minutes even with cracking a window and/or parking in the shade. Always take your pets (and children) with you when leaving your car.
- Avoid walking your dog during the hottest part of the day (usually around mid-day). Not only can they overheat but hot sidewalk/road surfaces can burn their feet. Early morning and late evening are the best options for a walk.
- Have plenty of fresh water available for your pet both in your house and in the yard. Check and refill water bowls often during the day. As you keep hydrated, remember to hydrate your pet as well.
While summer heat can be hard on both humans and animals alike, a few precautions and taking steps to minimize risk can keep everyone safe and healthy.