JUNE 2019
New this year!
Registering to Vote
Running for Office
Apply to be an Election Judge
City Elections will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2019
This fall the qualified voters of the City will elect the Mayor and City Council. All seats are up for election. The Mayor is elected at-large, and the eight district Councilmembers (two from each of the four Council districts) are elected from their respective districts.
Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2019. Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
New this year - Voting Centers!
- On Election Day you can vote at your choice of the City’s three Voting Centers – Davis Hall, Ritchie Coliseum and Stamp Student Union – no matter which District you live in.
- City Hall will not be used as a polling place this fall.
Also new this year – Early Voting!
- Early Voting for all qualified voters (regardless of District) will be held on Sunday, October 27 from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the College Park Community Center.
Are you registered to vote?
Voter registration is handled by the Prince George’s County Board of Elections. If you are already registered to vote at your current City address, you are automatically registered to vote in the City Election.
If you have moved, or changed your name, since the last election, you must update your voter registration information with the County.
Here’s how:
- Voter Registration Forms are available at any City building or any Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration office
- On-Line: https://voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/OnlineVoterRegistration/InstructionsStep1
- By Mail or in-person: Prince George's County Board of Elections, 1100 Mercantile Lane, Suite 115A, Largo, MD 20774
You must register no later than October 8, 2019 to vote in the City’s election.
To check your registration status, call the Prince George’s County Board of Elections at 301-341-4300, or visit https://voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/VoterSearch.
Would you like to run for office?
The College Park City Council meets on Tuesday nights.
College Park uses a petition process to qualify candidates. Candidates for Mayor must collect signatures from 20 qualified voters per Council district. Candidates for City Council must collect signatures from 25 qualified voters from their own Council district.
At the time of taking office, which will be in December of this year, the Mayor and each Councilmember must be 18 years old, must be a citizen of the United States, and must be a current registered voter in the City, having been so registered since at least November 5, 2018.
The Mayor must continuously reside in the City for the full two-year term. Each Councilmember must continuously reside in their respective district for the full two-year term.
Candidacy packets with the petition forms and other required paperwork will be available on August 1, 2019. The completed forms must be submitted to the City Clerk by September 20, 2019.
The Maryland Municipal League publication So You Want To Be An Elected Municipal Official: What You Need To Know First includes helpful information about what it means to be elected to the City’s legislative body. The publication is available from their website, here: tinyurl.com/mmlnewcandidatebrochure.
Elected officials are compensated: the Mayor receives $10,500 per year and each Councilmember receives $7,000 per year.
Apply to be an Election Judge
Do you have some free time? Could you use some extra money? The City is recruiting Election Judges to work the polls this fall and we pay $16.00/hour!
Qualified judges must be:
- A registered voter in the state of Maryland
- Able to work the entire day on Tuesday, November 5, 6:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
- Able to attend mandatory training for four hours on Saturday, October 26
In addition, some Judges will:
- Be needed to work the evening of Monday, November 4, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. for set up
- Be needed to work on Sunday, October 27 for Early Voting
Preference will be given to individuals who have recently worked County, State or City elections. Bi-lingual applicants are encouraged to apply! Interested? Please complete the application on our website at www.collegeparkmd.gov/elections.
For more information about voting in the City or running for office, please contact the City Clerk, Janeen S. Miller, at 240-487-3501 or jsmiller@collegeparkmd.gov, or Chief of the Board of Election Supervisors, Jack Robson, at boeschief@collegeparkmd.gov.