Storm Drain Murals
The City's Committee for a Better Environment has partnered with the College Park Arts Exchange to bring environmental awareness about pollution, specifically what goes down the drain ends up in our waterways. The storm drain murals depict animals and plants that are part of the Anacostia Watershed. Check out these and more murals at
"Sunset on the Water"
By artists Maria Soboleva, Jak Lunsford, and Maddie Olek is at the rear of City Hall at the intersection of Knox Road and Yale Avenue.

"Our Creature Neighbors"
By artist Niamh Ducey, is in the 9100 block of St. Andrews Place at the entrance to the Neighborhood Park.

"Box Turtle Speaks Up" and "Wise Mr. Toad"

By artist H.K. Beall, are at the entrance to the Dog Park, 9300 51st Avenue.