New Program Plants Trees on Private Property
During the winter of 2022, staff in the College Park Department of Public Works (DPW) and members of the City Tree and Landscape Board, explored the idea of implementing a new tree planting program similar to one in Montgomery County called TreeMontgomery. This new program would allow City residents to request trees to be planted on their private property, with funding from the City. DPW staff learned that Casey Trees was expanding their tree planting program outside of Washington DC and met with them to discuss tree planting opportunities in College Park. Casey Trees was receptive to partnering with the City, and indicated they were working with another nearby jurisdiction to provide and plant trees on both public and private land.
A gauging interest form was created, and posted on the City website, for City residents to submit if they were interested in having a tree planted on their property and were unable to obtain or plant the tree themselves. More than 30 residents responded positively that they would be interested in participating in this new tree planting program. The College Park City Council approved a contract with Casey Trees to help residents plant trees on private property on February 14, 2023. Residents interested in participating in the new tree planting program can select from list of suitable tree species provided by the City, as a mechanism to reach the strategic goal of increasing the tree canopy in the City by 2025.
Spring Planting: The City arborist has begun consultations with interested residents who have submitted the interest form for a tree to be planted on their property. Together, the arborist and homeowner determine a suitable location and tree species to prepare for the tree planting. Location factors include suitable space from other vegetation, and existing conditions such as proximity to a house, sidewalk, driveway, or utilities. They also discuss tree maintenance which the homeowner must provide while the tree becomes established. Trees will be a minimum of 1.25” caliper in size.
Tree planting is scheduled to occur in early April. The City was not able to obtain as many trees as requested due to a very limited number of trees available this spring. We are hopeful that a greater number of trees will be available for a fall tree planting. If you have already completed an application requesting a tree to be planted, the arborist will contact you later this year about a fall tree planting.
Fall Planting: Residents are encouraged to submit the interest form to request a tree planting, which can be found on the city website using the following link: Additionally, residents can email for any further questions regarding the program.
From the City's Tree & Landscape Board