Composting, Recycling, & Trees
Stryofoam Recycling
A drop-off container is at the entrance to Public Works for block Styrofoam recycling. Only block Styrofoam is accepted. No peanuts, cups, plates, or egg cartons are accepted.
Free Wood Mulch for City Residents

Bulk Trash Collection
For a single-family, owner-occupied residence: Up to four (4) bulky trash collections per fiscal year, with a maximum total of 20 bulky refuse items per year, will be free of charge to the resident.
For a single-family rental property that pays for City trash services: Up to four (4) bulky trash collections per fiscal year, with a maximum total of 29 bulky refuse items per year, will be free of charge.
For quantities and/or frequency more than stated above, a $20 collection fee per item over the allowable number of items will be imposed. A waiver may be available for a major extenuating circumstance on a limited basis.
Bulky trash includes items such as furniture, carpet, lumber, fencing, mattresses, etc. All bulky trash collections must be scheduled in advance and the caller must identify the quantity and type of items when scheduling a collection.
Bulky refuse items must be set out neatly for collection and separated by type.
Other Types of Special Collections
The City collects four different types of special trash by appointment on Thursdays and Fridays. Different trucks are assigned to each category. Please source separate items into:
- Appliances & Metals: Appliances include stoves, air conditioners, refrigerators, washers, dryers, dishwashers, hot water heaters and ovens and have a $20 fee per item for collection. Other metals such as bikes, file cabinets and radiators, do not incur a fee.
- Electronics for Recycling: computers, printers, keyboards, modems, gaming consoles, etc. Please note that TVs, monitors, and microwaves have a $20 fee per item. Residents have the option of bringing these items to the electronics drop-off box at Public Works for free.
- Brush, Branches, and Logs: All woody material must be bundled and tied in bunches no longer than four (4) feet in length, up to two (2) feet in diameter and no more than 50 lbs. Material can also be placed in City approved containers or bags. Individual branches cannot be wider than four (4) inches in diameter while logs must be cut into 12 inch lengths that are no more than 12 inches in diameter (a maximum of 25 logs will be collected per pickup).
Smartleaf Compost & Wood Mulch

Electronics Drop-Off Location
City of College Park residents can bring electronics for recycling to the drop-off box near the entrance of the front doors to Davis Hall. No more than 3 items can be disposed of at no cost.
· Acceptable: TVs, monitors, microwaves, gaming systems, computers, hard drives, cell phones, printers, laptops, copiers, fax machines, cable, and circuit boards.
· Unacceptable: Light bulbs of any kind (LED, CFL, Fluorescent light bulbs or tubes) or batteries of any kind.
Yard Waste Preparation
Soft yard waste and woody brush are processed independently into two different end products; therefore, these materials should be prepared separately for collection and further processing. Do not include other items or materials in your yard waste, as it damages the processing equipment.
Soft yard waste (grass, leaves, flowers, weeds and soft clippings that are less than ½” in diameter) is picked up year-round on your regularly scheduled collection day.
Woody yard waste (branches, shrubs, brush, and small logs) is collected year-round on Thursday and Friday by appointment only. Please email or call 240-487-3590 to schedule a collection.
How to prepare your material for collection:
- No loose brush, branches, or yard waste.
- Separate soft yard waste from woody yard waste. Place each type of source-separated material in a separate container.
- All woody material must be bundled, tied, or placed in containers or bags. Use paper yard waste bags, the beige yard waste cart, or personal reusable containers* for either type of material. *Personal containers must have a yellow city yard waste sticker on it; free stickers are available at DPW.
- Bundles of woody material must be no more than 4 feet long and comprised of individual branches up to 4 inches in diameter.
- Individual bundles must not exceed 2 feet in diameter or weigh more than 50 pounds and must be tied with biodegradable material.
- Logs must be cut into 12-inch lengths and no more than 12 inches in diameter. A maximum of 25 logs will be collected at a scheduled pick up.
- Do not use plastic bags
- Do not include any trash or recyclable material with the yard waste
- Do not use the city-issued refuse or recycling carts
- Place at the curb by 7:00 am
- Soft and Woody Yard Waste that is oversized and requires the use of a crane will be charged at a cost of $100 per hour, per collection. This would be arranged and scheduled prior to collection.
Material improperly set out for collection will not be collected. A door hanger error notice will be left if items set out for collection can’t be collected and why they couldn’t be picked up.

City Tree Programs
Trees provide many benefits such as reduction of cooling and heating costs, interception of rainwater, increasing property values and improving air quality. The City offers a few ways to help. More information is available at
REQUESTS FOR STREET TREES: The City has a program that provides street tree planting in the right-of-way area, which includes the grass strip between the curb and sidewalk. College Park residents interested in requesting a tree can visit and submit a request. Locations will be inspected to determine if it is suitable.
For those that need to replace trees due to storm damage or approved permit removals, you can apply for a TCEP reimbursement to help offset the cost.
TREE CANOPY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (TCEP): City of College Park property owners can apply for reimbursement of up to $150.00 per fiscal year, for approved tree(s) planted on their residential lot. For guidelines and an application, please visit The completed application should be submitted online or via email to for review and approval prior to tree purchase.
TREE MAINTENENCE: The City is responsible for tree maintenance of street trees in the rights-of-way, City maintained buildings and parks, and on public property. Tree maintenance or tree issues on private property are the responsibility of the property owner. For landscaping tips and tree care advice, visit
TREE PLANTING: The City is gauging interest in a potentially new tree planting program for residents on their property. Planting is planned for the spring and fall. If you are interested in having a tree planted on your property by a contractor, please complete the interest form. Select “Tree planting on residential property” and fill out the remainder of the form and submit it to
Urban Tree Protection: Ordinance 21-O-09
This Ordinance requires an application to be submitted for approval to obtain a permit to remove or prune a tree on residential land.
Beginning July 1, 2022, trees on residential property within the City of College Park, greater than 36 inches in circumference measured at 4.5 feet above ground level, on which the property owner wants to remove or prune live branches or wood more than 20% will need to submit an application to the Department of Public Works for a tree removal/pruning permit and receive approval prior to beginning planned tree work. A requirement of the tree removal/pruning permit is that urban tree(s) approved for removal are replaced.
You can find the permit application at