District 2 Special Election Notice
College Park District 2 Residents
Special Election for District 2 Councilmember
Sunday, November 8, 2020 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
College Park Community Center 5051 Pierce Avenue, College Park, MD.
To fill the District 2 Council vacancy created by the resignation of Councilmember P. J. Brennan
The Special Election to fill the vacant District 2 Council seat is Sunday, November 8, from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the College Park Community Center, 5051 Pierce Avenue. Information on the three candidates running for office is posted on our website. COVID-19 safety precautions will be in place at the poll. Properly worn face masks are required at all times, both while waiting in line outside the building and voting inside the building. If you need a face mask, one will be provided. Social distancing rules will be in effect; each voter will use a new pen; and hand sanitizing stations will be available. Voters will enter the front doors of the Community Center and exit through the rear door from the Gym directly to the parking lot. Election Results: The ballots cast at the poll on Sunday, November 8 will be counted that night at Davis Hall. The official canvass for this election will be conducted on Friday, November 13, also at Davis Hall. The official canvass includes all mail-in ballots received and validated provisional ballots. Due to COVID-19 capacity limitations, there is not enough room at Davis Hall for members of the public to observe the count in person, so both the election night count and the official canvass will be televised on the City’s cable channels and streamed on the City’s website. Results will be posted on our website at www.collegeparkmd.gov/elections and to social media. If you have any questions about this Special Election, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 240-487-3503 during regular office hours.