Tips of the Month
Trees and Cicadas
Spring is the perfect time to plant a new tree in your yard. Just remember that this is the year that the cicadas are returning, and they lay their eggs in small branches, which can damage or kill a young tree. Make sure to wrap the branches of your young tree with netting until late June to stop cicadas from causing damage. And, remember that the city has a Canopy Enhancement Program that will reimburse you for up to $150 for planting eligible trees. Happy planting! Click here for more information on tree programs in the City, visit:
From the City's Committee for a Better Environment
Off-Leash Pets
A friendly reminder to all pet owners to use nearby dog parks for off-leash fun with your pets. Having a pet off-leash in any public area, or any private area (without specific permission), is a violation of City Code 102-3. Any animal found at-large may be picked up by the City’s Animal Control Officer, and owners may receive a written citation for the offense. We thank you for your cooperation in keeping your pets safe.
From the City's Animal Welfare Committee
My Pet is Lost! Now What?
Accidents can happen and one day, you might lose your pet. It is very stressful for you and your pet and knowing what to do will help you be reunited. Be prepared! There are three things you can do NOW that will help if your pet is ever lost:
1. Have your pet microchipped. Remember to keep your information current with the microchip company including address, phone numbers and email addresses so you can be contacted if someone finds your pet. 2. Always have a current photo of your pet that will be of a quality you could print on flyers to post around the neighborhood. 3. Put a”flat” collar on your dog that has an ID tag with your phone number (s). The collar should be well fitting so your dog cannot slip out of it. Flat collars are usually made out of nylon. Choke/chain collars are not recommended for use all the time. 4. It is not as safe for cats to have collars unless they are “breakaway” collars which break if the cat gets hung on something and tags can be dangerous for kitties. The best way to protect your cat is with the microchip.
If your pet is lost, search your home and yard carefully looking under bushes and in closets. Walk around your neighborhood, especially on the route you routinely walk your dog and call their name. Slowly drive around your neighborhood stopping to ask neighbors if they have seen your pet. Check the Prince George’s Lost Animal website each day and contact the following: 1. Ofc. Rebecca Bailey, Animal Control Officer for the City of College Park. Office: 240-487-3575 or Cell: 240-375-3165. 2. Prince George’s County Animal Management Division at 301-780-7200. You can also complete a lost animal report online by going to:
It is important to post a photo and your contact information on Nextdoor (and other local social media sites) and post brightly colored flyers in your neighborhood. Put out a bowl of food (such as liverwurst or braunschweiger) along with a bowl of water on your porch or front yard.
From the City's Animal Welfare Committee