DPW Collections, Recycling, & Tree Plantings

Bulk Trash Tonnage Reduction
College Parks’ Strategic Plan set goals for each department to strive for. The Department of Public Works (DPW) was tasked with reducing the amount of trash tonnage disposed of at the landfill.
DPW has observed a measurable decrease in collection and disposal of bulk trash tonnage in response to the implementation of Ordinance 20-O-02. The chart below indicates the reduction of bulk trash tonnage disposal during the past three calendar years.

Spring is a Good Time to Plant Trees
Trees provide many benefits such as reduction of cooling and heating costs, interception of rainwater, increasing property values and improving air quality. The City offers a few ways to help. More information is available at www.collegeparkmd.gov/trees.
- Earth Day Free Tree Giveaway: See the previous page for details
- REQUESTS FOR STREET TREES: The City has a program that provides for street tree planting in the right-of-way area, which includes the grass strip between the curb and sidewalk. College Park residents interested in requesting a tree can contact Brenda Alexander at 240-487-3590 or balexander@collegeparkmd.gov. The location will be inspected to determine if it is suitable.
- TREE CANOPY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (TCEP): City of College Park property owners can apply for reimbursement of up to $150.00 annually, for approved tree(s) planted on their residential lot. The completed application should be sent to balexander@collegeparkmd.gov review and approval. Visit www.collegeparkmd.gov/trees for a link to the guidelines and application.
TREE MAINTENANCE The City is responsible for tree maintenance in the rights-of-way, City maintained buildings and parks, and on public property. Trees on private property are the responsibility of the property owner.
Bulk Trash Collection Changes FAQs
Q: As a single-family owner-occupied residence, I’m allowed 4 collections per year, and 20 items per year total, correct? When does the program reset? A: Yes, that is correct. The program is per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) Q: Why do registered rentals get 29 items per year? A: Registered rentals in the City pay an additional solid waste fee. Q: Does the bulk trash limits apply to any items I need to schedule for collection? A: No, this is just for bulk trash items such as furniture, carpet, lumber, and large bulky items. It doesn’t include electronics, appliances, metals, or brush. Q: Can I still put 1 or 2 extra bags of trash next to my trash cart on collection day? A: Department of Public Works crews will collect 1 or 2 extra bags of trash or small items that are next to your trash cart on your regular collection day (no large items will be collected). Q: Why do mattresses and box springs need to be wrapped in plastic, and where do I get this plastic? A: For the health and safety of staff, residents requesting curbside collection of mattresses and box springs are required to completely cover mattresses and box springs in a protective plastic covering. Plastic mattress bags are available at many local retail stores for a nominal fee. In addition, you could use any kind of plastic that you can wrap around it such as shrink wrap. This is also a requirement for Prince George’s County. Q: If I exceed my limit of either 4 collections per year, or 20 (29) items total per fiscal year, how much will I be charged and how do I pay my fee? A: Any quantities and/or frequency more than stated above, a $20 collection fee per item over the allowable number of collections or items will be imposed, an invoice will be mailed. Q: What other ways can residents reduce the chance of incurring overage fees? A: Residents should use their allotted number of bulk trash collections for very large items and use these other options to dispose of smaller items:
- Residents can bring bulk trash to the Department of Public Works during the Spring or Fall cleanup days and it doesn't go toward their count.
- City Code was updated to allow items other than household trash to go in the green trash cart as long as the cart doesn’t exceed the 75 lb. weight limit and the lid can close.
- Each property is allowed up to two (2) 95-gallon trash carts.
Electronics Drop Off Location
City of College Park residents can bring electronics for recycling to the drop off box near the entrance of the front doors to Davis Hall. No more than 3 items can be disposed of at no cost.
- Acceptable: TVs, monitors, mouse pointers, keyboards, microwaves, gaming systems, computers, hard drives, cell phones, printers, laptops, surge protectors, copiers, fax machines, telephone systems, cable, circuit boards, and toner cartridges.
- Unacceptable: Light bulbs (CFL or Tubes) or batteries of any kind.