Sustainability Survey

Take the Sustainability Survey in English or Spanish

The Committee for a Better Environment (CBE) wants to hear from you about making College Park greener!

College Park is committed to going green to create a more livable city that has lower impacts on the Earth. CBE is a volunteer committee of residents dedicated to making College Park greener. We would like to hear from you about steps you are taking to be sustainable and any actions the City can take.

Results from this survey will help us understand what residents are doing to go green in their lives, how sustainable College Park is overall, and provide important information about what residents think are priorities for the City.

Please take a few minutes to tell us about your activities and views on sustainability. We want to hear from homeowners, renters, students - everyone who lives in College Park. The survey is also available in English and Spanish.

This is a fairly quick survey and should be reflective of your current practices. The survey is anonymous.

Please complete the survey by March 25, 2021 at 11:50 p.m. Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Take the Sustainability Survey:

English Version -

Spanish Version -