Reporting Community Issues
Reporting Community Issues & 4Maryland
If there is an excessively loud or unruly gathering, or if a gathering may be potentially in violation of the State or County's large gathering restrictions due to COVID, residents may report these and other issues to the City's 24/7 Hotline. Please call 240-487-3588 for any related issues, and the City will either send out a Code Enforcement Officer and/or a City Contract Police Office to investigate the issue.
Residents can also report student or University related issues directly to the University via their 4Maryland reporting system.
- UMD Compliance Reporting System:
- UMPD Non-Emergency Line: 301-405-3555
The City of College Park enforces Ordinances adopted by the City Council. A brief overview of the Ordinances and associated fines are listed below. Please read the City’s Code for more information and exact language.
UMD students who are found in violation of City Ordinances are cited, fined, and referred to the UMD Office of Student Conduct. Property Owners may also be fined for violations of these Ordinances by their tenants. Depending on lease conditions, a property owner may pass on the cost of their fines to their tenants.
For online access to the City Code go to
Noise – Chapter 138
During daytime hours ( 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Mon.-Fri., and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Sat.-Sun., and Holidays) noise limit is 65 decibels at the noise source property line. The property line of an apartment is its corridor door. Night time noise limit is 55 decibels measured at the property line.
The Noise Control Board will hold a hearing and can determine if a noise violation occurred. If two or more residents are disturbed by a noise, a sound meter reading is not needed during the hearing.
A violation of the Noise Ordinance results in a $500 fine for the first violation and $1,000 fine for subsequent violations within 12 months of a previous violation.
Nuisance – Chapter 141
Nuisances include violations of current public health executive orders and health directives.
As of March 2, 2021, gatherings are limited to no more than 1 person or family for every 200 square feet of living area of a residence, or 25 people outside, or 10 people inside, whichever is less (per Prince George's County Health Officer Directive and Order).
Masks are required at gatherings both indoors and outside.
Social distancing of at least 6 feet is required except among residents of the same household.
During the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, a violation of this Ordinance results in a $1,000 fine.
Unruly Social Gatherings – Chapter 141-13
In addition to Noise and Public Health - Large Gathering Ordinances, Unruly Social Gatherings of 8 or more people are prohibited.
Unruly gatherings include behavior including possession or use of alcoholic beverages by an underage person, excessive noise as prohibited in Chapter 138, excessive vehicle or pedestrian traffic at an event, use of illegal controlled substances, obstruction of public streets, public drunkenness, assaults, fights, disturbance of the peace, vandalism, public urination or defecation, littering, or other conduct which constitutes a threat to public safety, quiet enjoyment of other private property, or the public welfare.
A violation of the Unruly Social Gathering Ordinance results in a fine of $500 for the first violation and $1,000 fine for subsequent violations.