Youth & Family Services
Photos courtesy of Normand Bernache
Summer Reading Program
The UMD Summer Reading Program is an instructional intervention program designed to help children strengthen their reading and writing skills. Trained reading teachers provide instruction in the areas of writing, spelling, phonics, vocabulary, reading fluency and comprehension. Students in grades 1 through 6 have multiple opportunities to read a variety of children’s literature and to participate in engaging, small-group activities.
Education Grants
Since 2008, the City has provided grants to local neighborhood schools in order to help enrich student experiences. Public schools with at least 14 College Park residents are eligible. Congratulations to this year's winners:
Greenbelt Middle School, $8,000 for Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) PSAT / TAP Hollywood Elementary School, $8,000 for surplus technology accessories Paint Branch Elementary School, $8,000 for Chinese Immersion Art Beautification Project
From the City's Department of Youth, Family, and Senior Services
"If I Were Mayor" Essay Contest
This Maryland Municipal League-sponsored (MML) event begins in January of each year. College Park’s mayor visits fourth grade students at participating local public and private elementary schools to provide a face-to-face connection with municipal government, so they can learn what it is like to be mayor. Fourth graders are invited to participate in the "If I Were Mayor" essay contest. In March, Youth and Family Services staff collected the essays from each school, along with the school’s identification of the school winner. The Mayor and Council recognized both school and MML District winners at a May City Council meeting. Congratulations to our student winners:
School Winner: Tatiana Guevara, Hollywood Elementary District 9 Winner: Erick Argueta Rivas, Paint Branch Elementary Semi-Finalist: Alexander Rivero, Paint Branch Elementary Semi-Finalist: Akeim Harris, Paint Branch Elementary School Winner: Maryam Saleh Mohamed, Al-Huda School School Winner: Rafiq Amir, Al-Huda School School Winner: Bilal Hijazi, Al-Huda School School Winner: Stephen Trynosky, Holy Redeemer School