Composting, Recycling, & Tree Plantings
Curbside Food Scrap Composting Coming Soon
Help us divert compostable materials from the landfill-- join the City of College Park's Food Scrap Compost Program! Soon, City residents can opt-in to receive curbside composting pick-up services. By participating, you help reduce excessive methane greenhouse gas emissions, protect our environment, and support the City in reaching its sustainability goals!
Electronics Recycling
City of College Park residents can bring electronics for recycling to the drop off box near the entrance of the front doors to Davis Hall. Details here.
Keep Grass Clippings off the Street
As you take care of your lawn this season, make sure to not sweep or blow grass and leaves into the street. Lawn clippings and debris that are left in the street wash into storm drains and storm sewers, potentially clogging them, which may result in flooding. Debris that washes into storm sewers is transported through local waterways and eventually to the Chesapeake Bay, threatening aquatic life and drinking water quality.
Instead, you can leave the grass clippings on the lawn to recycle the nutrients or start a compost pile in your backyard (click here for a brochure from the Maryland Department of Agriculture.) You may also place clippings in paper bags or reusable containers for weekly curbside pickup on the same day as your trash and recycling collection.
Soft Yard Waste and Woody Yard Waste
Are you confused about how to separate yard waste and the difference between soft yard waste and woody brush, and why they are collected separately? Soft yard waste and woody brush are processed independently into two different end products; therefore, these materials should be prepared separately for collection and further processing.
• Soft yard waste (grass, leaves, flowers, weeds and soft clippings that are less than ½” in diameter) is picked up year-round on your regularly scheduled collection day.
• Woody yard waste (branches, shrubs, brush, and small logs) is collected year-round on Thursday and Friday by appointment only. Please email or call 240-487-3590 to schedule a collection.
• Paper bags, beige yard waste carts or reusable containers can be used to contain either of these materials set out for collection.
Spring is a Good Time to Plant Trees!
Trees provide many benefits such as reduction of cooling and heating costs, interception of rainwater, increasing property values and improving air quality. The City offers a few ways to help. More information is available at The City is gauging interest in a potentially new tree planting program for residents. If you are interested in having a tree planted on your property by a contractor, please complete the interest form on the City website in the trees section or click here. When filling out the form, select Tree Planting on residential property or contact REQUESTS FOR STREET TREES: The City has a program that provides for street tree planting in the right-of-way area, which includes the grass strip between the curb and sidewalk. College Park residents interested in requesting a tree can contact Brenda Alexander at 240-487-3590 or The location will be inspected to determine if it is suitable. TREE CANOPY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (TCEP): City of College Park property owners can apply for reimbursement of up to $150.00 annually, for approved tree(s) planted on their residential lot. The completed application should be sent to for review and approval. Click here for a link to the guidelines and application. TREE MAINTENANCE The City is responsible for tree maintenance in the rights-of-way, City maintained buildings and parks, and on public property. Trees on private property are the responsibility of the property owner.
No Mow April Survey
The City would like your feedback on the new No Mow April initiative that helps provide needed resources for early spring emerging pollinators. Please take this short 5-minute survey before June 9th to share your thoughts, whether you participated or not. Feedback from the survey will help guide the future development of this initiative.
College Park Green Awards
Each year, the City of College Park Committee for a Better Environment (CBE) recognizes special efforts made by members of the local community to protect the environment. In addition to commending those who have contributed in some way to a healthier environment, CBE hopes to increase environmental awareness and encourage wider appreciation and adoption of environmentally sound practices.
Congratulations to Meg Oates, who lives in the Calvert Hills neighborhood, and was the driving force behind starting the Calvert Hills Green Team during the pandemic. Meg recently stepped down as co-chair, but her work laid the foundation for the Green Team's current work. Recently, the Green Team removed English Ivy from trees in Calvert Park and did a trash clean-up around Calvert Hills and Old Town. Meg organized a trash pick-up in Calvert Park, a boat tour of the Anacostia River, and many other activities. The Committee for a Better Environment awarded Meg her Green Award during the April 2022 committee meeting. City residents, businesses, organizations, associations or institutions who are chosen for an award will be honored with a certificate of recognition and a $100 check from the City. Who’s Eligible? Residents of College Park, as well as businesses, organizations, associations, and institutions which operate or are located in the City. Members of CBE, Bee City or their immediate family members and workplaces are not eligible for an award. Categories of Awards 1. Environmental 3-R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle 2. Environmentally friendly landscaping and beautification 3. Conservation of natural resources 4. Pollinator-friendly actions 5. Other environmental achievements Up to four awards are given per year. Nominations are accepted and awarded on a rolling basis. For more information about the Green Awards, click here.