Holiday Recycling, Curbside Leaf Collection & Special Trash Collection

Holiday Light Recycling
Holiday string lights, working or non-working, are accepted for recycling at MOM’s Organic Market, 9801 Rhode Island Avenue, College Park. The string lights are collected for recycling in December and the beginning of January.
Please remove lights from bags/packaging and place in designated holiday lights recycling bin located in the lobby when you enter MOM’s Organic Market.
Electronics Drop Off Location
City of College Park residents can bring electronics for recycling to the drop off box near the entrance of the front doors to Davis Hall. No more than 3 items can be disposed of at no cost.
• Acceptable: TVs, monitors, mouse pointers, keyboards, microwaves, gaming systems, computers, hard drives, cell phones, printers, laptops, surge protectors, copiers, fax machines, telephone systems, cable, circuit boards, and toner cartridges. • Unacceptable: Light bulbs (CFL or Tubes) or batteries of any kind.
Styrofoam Drop Off
A temporary drop-off container will be at the entrance to Public Works for Styrofoam recycling. Bring in your holiday foam packaging to keep it out of the landfill.
Final Weeks of Curbside Leaf Collection
Curbside leaf vacuuming will continue through mid-January. Look for the posted signs in your neighborhood to know when curbside leaf collection will occur. Collection schedules are tentative as they depend on weather conditions. Refer to the city website for the most up-to-date collection schedule.
After the final leaf vacuuming occurs, leaves and soft yard waste can be set out for collection on your regular collection day. Soft yard waste includes leaves, grass and soft clippings. These types of items can be placed in paper yard waste bags, the beige yard waste cart, or reusable containers with a City yard trim decal (decals can be picked up for free at the Department of Public Works) for collection.
Click here for more information about Soft and Woody Yard Waste.

Bulk Trash Collection
For a single-family, owner-occupied residence: Up to four (4) bulky trash collections per calendar year, with a maximum total of 20 bulky refuse items per year, will be free of charge to the resident.
For a single-family rental property that pays for City trash services: Up to four (4) bulky trash collections per calendar year, with a maximum total of 29 bulky refuse items per year, will be free of charge.
For quantities and/or frequency more than stated above, a $20 collection fee per item over the allowable number of items will be imposed. A waiver may be available for a major extenuating circumstance on a limited basis.
Bulky trash includes items such as furniture, carpet, lumber, fencing, mattresses, etc. All bulky trash collections must be scheduled in advance and the caller must identify the quantity and type of items when scheduling a collection.
Bulky refuse items must be set out neatly for collection and separated by type.
Other Special Collections
The City collects special trash by appointment on Thursdays and Fridays. Different trucks are assigned to each category, and material must be source separated for collection.
• Appliances & Metals: Appliances include but are not limited to stoves, air conditioners, refrigerators, washers, dryers, dishwashers, radiators, hot water heaters and ovens and have a $20 fee per item for collection. Other metals such as bikes, file cabinets, and miscellaneous metal items do not incur a fee. • Electronics for Recycling: computers, printers, keyboards, modems, gaming consoles, etc. Please note that TVs, monitors, and microwaves have a $20 fee per item. Residents have the option of bringing these items to the electronics drop off box at Public Works for free. • Brush, Branches, and Logs: All woody material must be bundled and tied in bunches no longer than four (4) feet in length, up to two (2) feet in diameter and no more than 50 lbs. Material can also be placed in personal containers or paper yard waste bags. Individual branches cannot be wider than four (4) inches in diameter while logs must be cut into 12 inch lengths that are no more than 12 inches in diameter (a maximum of 25 logs will be collected per pickup).