Smartleaf® Compost, Wood Mulch and Tree Programs
Smartleaf® Compost and Wood Mulch Available
Get your garden ready with Smartleaf® Compost and Wood Mulch Compost is $28.00 per cubic yard, and wood mulch is $12.00 per cubic yard. Delivery is available for an additional fee, or material may be picked up Mon.-Fri. between 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. For more information on compost click here, or wood mulch click here. To schedule a delivery click here.
For more information on compost and wood mulch, visit: For further questions, call 240-487-3590 or email
Tree Planting Programs
Trees provide many benefits such as reduction of cooling and heating costs, interception of rainwater, increasing property values and improving air quality. The City offers a few ways to help.
- REQUESTS FOR STREET TREES. The City has a program that provides for street tree planting in the right-of-way area, which includes the grass strip between the curb and sidewalk. College Park residents interested in requesting a tree can contact Brenda Alexander at 240-487-3590 or The location will be inspected to determine if it is suitable.
- TREE CANOPY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (TCEP). City of College Park property owners can apply for reimbursement of up to $150.00 annually, for approved tree(s) planted on their residential lot.
The completed application should be sent to review and approval.
Click here for a link to the guidelines and application.